Freelance writing has given me plenty of opportunities to learn. Did you know there’s a thing in olive oil called oleocanthal that helps fight cancer? Me neither. Not even right now. Anyways, I recently had the opportunity to learn that people are (big surprise) kinda shitty sometimes.
Read moreArticle Posted on Sprudge
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Scott Carey, owner of Sump Coffee, about the first year of their Nashville location. Sprudge is a great website for all things coffee-related and they did me the favor of posting my article. Click on any of these words to check it out.
Read moreYet another Medium article
To continue with the theme of upstart freelance writer, here's another failed article tossed onto Medium. Turns out, Uber sucks pretty bad. This whole sentence is a link so click on it to get to where the link goes which is this article I am talking about if you want to read that article this is how you do it by clicking this sentence which is actually not too long because it is the perfect length.
Read moreNew article over at Medium
I’ve been looking into freelance writing lately because, hey, why the hell not? I’m in the stage right now of trying to get some samples out there, so with that will come failed articles. Good thing there’s for such a scenario. Medium is essentially a self-publishing platform that people subscribe to, rate articles, and then the author has a small chance of actually getting paid for their work (tiny chance). But this isn’t about the money, right? Hell no, this is about getting some samples out there so I can convince someone to give me money at a later date. So yeah, I guess it’s all about the money but in a more convoluted way. Anyway, failed article #1 is about fun things happening inside your body. It is here. Click on this word. Or this one. Or any of these right here.
Read moreDon't Talk Politics, Don't Throw Stones
Let’s say, for instance, our President were to moon Enrique Pena Nieto, the President of Mexico. They’re supposed to meet to discuss something inconsequential like refugees fleeing gang violence for the opportunity to live a life without the threat of being kidnapped or shot. Something innocuous. And then right before they shake hands, Trump turns around, drops his pants to his ankles, and waves his hideous ass back and forth like the flag majestically floating through the breeze. I’m assuming the press’ cameras would explode in an attempt to get the best shot, and Pena Nieto would either vomit his huevos onto his shoes or simply melt like the guys at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Basically the room would explode and Trump would moonwalk out of there thinking he totally nailed it.
Read moreWho's the Real Asshole?
This has become my crusade. I don’t actively look for situations to extol these virtues but they happen to find me fairly often. When somebody does something against the idea of being thoughtful and respectful to the people around you and doesn’t get called out on it, it rewards their bad behavior ensuring they will repeat the mistake. It’s the same idea as how you shouldn’t give a dog a treat for taking a shit on your pillow. Nobody wants shit on their pillow, and you should work to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Read moreDying for Garbage Day
I used to knock over trash cans when I was younger. My friends and I would call each other up, hop on our bikes and ride through neighborhoods side-kicking trash cans and laughing as they toppled over and spilled their contents into the street. Looking back as an adult, I now realize that I was the exact type of kid that I hate today. I guess it was a combination of the exhilaration of doing something I wasn’t supposed to be doing, combined with the fear of being caught and the camaraderie of performing small-scale acts of vandalism with friends. It was fun, it was funny, and it was incredibly stupid. I don’t think anyone young enough to think this sounds cool will actually read this, so I’m going to eschew the cliché warning away from duplicating my actions. But I will say that if someone were to do this, I understand.
Read moreGive Yourself the Finger
I once heard that a person can bite off their own finger. Physically. Not as a permission kinda deal. Your mouth is strong enough that if you slam a ring onto your fat finger and can’t get it off, you have the option of sticking the finger in your mouth and pretending it’s a beefstick for a moment. I would recommend trying other things first (like olive oil or prayer) but you can rest assured that you always have the nuclear option in your back pocket. There’s something in our brains that will stop you from doing this. Similar to why it’s so hard to drown yourself, your mind has some built-in preservation tactics to keep you from doing something thoroughly stupid. However, I’m pretty sure I could do it. I don’t mean this as a cocky, self-assured bravado kinda boast, but I’ve already broken a lot of my own bones. Not on purpose, but still. The precedence has been set. I also eat a lot of beef jerky so I like my chances of getting through the tendons and muscles and whatever else is in there (veins?).
Read moreLet's Broadcast Farts
Nothing feels better than being right. Even if you win a bet on which day you’ll die, at least there’ll be a sense of accomplishment to mitigate the pain. Unfortunately, I’m usually wrong and my soon-to-be-married-person absolutely loves repeating her catchphrase “god you’re such an idiot” with feverish consistency. I might not ever remember where I left my keys, if I closed the refrigerator door, or what I was supposed to get at the grocery store, but I found at least one thing I can write into the “win” column: Getting one of those fancy new digital assistants is akin to inviting Big Brother into your sanctuary.
Read morePlease Destroy Me
There’s something about sliding up the hood of a car and slamming your shoulder into the windshield that really gets the blood moving. I’ve never been one for drugs— no thank you!— but I imagine the rush you get from enjoying the scent of a few lines of cocaine is almost half as fulfilling as seeing a van cut in front of you and slamming your teeth into the passenger-side door.
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